Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Home Sweet Home!

Well I am home from NH and have to be at work again tomorrow at 4:30. Nothing like getting back into gear!

New Hampshire was awesome though. I love when I get to hang out with family and do random things. I did a few things I had not done in years such as candlepin bowling and going to Canobie Lake Park. Pictures to come!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

New member to my Rite Aid family...

Yesterday morning I went to the hospital and visited my friend Nikki to see her long awaited newborn baby Andrew Dean! Here he is!

Friday, July 24, 2009


Tomorrow I FINALLY have my long awaited day off to do pretty much NOTHING! I'm excited; nobody really gets to have many days off to do nothing at all, so tomorrow I'm all over it. As promised, here are pictures of the sinking "car" in my yard :-)

I thought it was pretty funny. I should t ake it out soon. Perhaps I'll do that when I do yard work next.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Next post to come

Pictures of parts of my strange life like promised...odd stories, and an impending mini-vaca to NH where I will enter the worlds largest moccasain store. Jealous? Live it.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Today after I got home from a fun and exciting day at work (that's not sarcasm, I actually do love my job that much!) I decided I would finally dig up some roots from my back yard since the ground was wet and it's easier to dig up. Now my sneakers are all muddy and in the washer so I have no shoes, but it was definitly fun. I don't know why but I like to work when I am done at work...I'm a freak. Some people would say I am a workaholic; I don't disagree! At least Titan (my roommates Great Dane) got to have the chance to run around and have fun in the back yard while I did that, and I found some off things that the former tenants had buried in the yard. Mostly toy cars and pieces of wind chimes, but they're recovered now. The toy car looks like it is sinking in mud right now, so I kept it there because I thought it was funny (ha!). I should have taken pictures now that I think of it. If I get the chance I'll take some tonight before visiting in my twin sister, Karen, at the diner for dinner. Then they will be my next post :)

I  hope you enjoy random thoughts and strange parts about my day. I should share customer experiences soon as well.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Before I put my contacts in this morning I had realized that since I worked and then went to the movies yesterday, I never came on the computer to update on my blog.

Harry Potter was good! Definitly interesting movies when you watch them. I keep hearing they are not quite like the books which is disappointing, but I'll judge with that once I actually pick them up and read them. I actually already own all of them. In good time I will read more.

I've been working on my novel quite a bit lately which has me super psyched! I'm getting some good progress.

Which do you prefer? The standard novel style, or a little bit of experimentation?

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Counting Down!

In one week I will have a day off again, which means I will be one day away from following my sister, Mando, up to NH and spend a few days! Nothing like traveling back to where you were born! Yeah!

Going to possibly see the new Harry Potter movie tomorrow...who's excited? I might be, have no read the books at all to compare though...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Weirdest thing...

I saw a rainbow yesterday during what I thought was the end of a thunderstorm...and the craziest thing happened. A lightening bold came and struck right down the middle of it. It was insane! Talk about a mismatched pair! Ha!

That's my workspace! I don't only write in my novel there though... I write in that everywhere. Did I mention I was writing that out longhand first?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Catching my second wind again!

My favorite day of the week at work is truck day, which most people find funny because NOW we have to be at the store by about 2am to unload the truck. Today was a bit later so for those of us unloading it was there by 4:45...and it was a HUGE truck! I was quite tired, but now that whole second wind thing is coming back again. Time to write in my novel!

Which do you like better? A guy who leaves random notes, or a guy who buys flowers? Ask around, tell your friends to come answer the question. I am looking for other things people like as helps with the whole novel process!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Great Message

Can it ever be possible?
Is it obvious I have been bored today?

What was that?

Sorry about the strange html code...not a virus...not harm...I'm sorry











$GLOBALS['google']['url']=$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];


$google_dt = time();



function google_append_url(&$url, $param, $value) {

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function google_set_screen_res() {

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$delimiter = 'x';

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$delimiter = ',';


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function google_set_dcmguid() {

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function google_get_ad_url() {

$google_ad_url = '';

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? 'https://' : 'http://';

foreach ($GLOBALS['google'] as $param => $value) {

if ($param == 'client') {

google_append_url($google_ad_url, $param,

'ca-mb-' . $GLOBALS['google'][$param]);

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google_append_color($google_ad_url, $param);

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(strpos($param, 'url') === 0)) {

google_append_url($google_ad_url, $param,

$google_scheme . $GLOBALS['google'][$param]);

} else {

google_append_globals($google_ad_url, $param);



google_append_url($google_ad_url, 'dt',

round(1000 * array_sum(explode(' ', microtime()))));

return $google_ad_url;


$google_ad_handle = @fopen(google_get_ad_url(), 'r');

if ($google_ad_handle) {

while (!feof($google_ad_handle)) {

echo fread($google_ad_handle, 8192);





That impossible love

Ode to a Lover’s Union

On bitter summer

or winter

or spring

or perhaps fall

mornings, faces of those

who see the dim sky

wrinkle their smiles

to a frown.

Children grumble

of cabin fever.

Parents moan of

boredom and fury.

Nature weeps from


Nobody ever wants to stand

in the rain.

Yet, you stand

face to face

under a clouded

dawn, ignore the

bite of frosty

air and embrace

through the literal

storm, and forget

the sky is weathered


(c)Kimberlee LaClair


Also, does anyone need some editing or proofreading? I charge for time and per word...decent rates...let me know!

Online Business

I want to start an online business where I collage photos for people at a decent price with professional work completed. How do I do that best? Any ideas?

Friday, July 10, 2009


I am definitly a morning person. I meant to sleep in today since I do not need to be at work until noon, but 8AM rolled around and I woke up! I was actually happy to see that once again I woke up to no rain in New York, and there was nothing but sun and massive amounts of cars speeding past my house in the morning. I like when I can enjoy the weather like's so easy to appreciate! However, the other day I was looking through my poems and realized once again why I don't usually mind the rain:

The Rain Isn’t All That Bad
Stain my window,
I stay inside to watch them fall.

The lilies bloom to womanhood;
You caress the petals of my cheek.

Emerald paints oak branches
While maple trees grow their hands.

The clouds slowly scatter
While the sky stands naked

And dries the grass
We walk over hand in hand.

You stand at the doorstep
Holding fresh daisies behind your back

Offering picnic rendezvous’ under apple trees
Where we can digest the blossoms

And laugh. What devils we are,
Murdering plants for survival.

We never thank the rain in grace
For keeping us alive.

And we never ask the stormy nights
To lock us in the house,

And eat popcorn at the fireplace,
Only to fall asleep on the couch.

Stain my window,
I stay inside to watch them fall.

(c)Kimberlee LaClair

Monday, July 6, 2009

In the car

This is what I do while me I don't drive well while I am at it.

Dear Grandma

If you had a chance
would you remember your last day?
Would you sing
would you dance?
What would you do?
If you had one more day,
would you see me again?
Could the bounty of your voice
overwhlem the room?
And what the memory you held on were better,
What if your life took the rode on the right?
Now what if your car never parked in the wrong yard?
What if you stayed at home alone?
Maybe your were lonely,
Maybe the diet could have changed.
They don't have all the causes,
but the ending still remains.
Can you have one more chance,
another conversation to remember?
What if you knew you would die this way?

Do you remember where you are now?
The children you cared for?
Is Grandpa there with you?
Will I see you again.

RIP - - It's been since January, but today I thought about it for whatever reason you think about these things.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

After Work

Sometimes I wish that gas was not so expensive so I could drive all the time. I love to think about the songs I am listening to, the air passing my window (when there is no rain or cold!) and the silence that can be so haunting.

My novel actually will have a large focus on driving. I have done a lot of driving in my life, especially over the past two years for the simple purpose of work. However, that is one of the only hints you will have towards my novel. The rest is a secret. I find some comfort in having that secret available to me.

Today is the same as every other day for me. I am fine with that as well. I worked and I thought about my life, trying to think poetic at times as well as thinking in narrative form (it helps my writing process).

I hope someday to touch people with my writing style. I also hope to find inspiration to write poetry on my blog. It has been a while. Sometimes I worry I will never write it again! However, I know that's pretty always comes back!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Is the rain over?

If you live in New York, or anywhere surrouning it, you have been living through about 2 months worth of rain. However, today it's finally not raining! It will be a busy day at work, which will make the day go by faster, but I'll also be envious of people enjoying the holiday. It'll be nice when the mud in my yard dries, but I can't wait for sun! I love the rain, but this year it has overstayed its welcome.

How many times can you reassure yourself that without the rain the grass or flowers cannot grow?

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Why does it have to exist?

I'm new to this...

I guess people have found it a little odd that I have been writing for years but never had a blog. I got bored today in the midst of writing in my moleskine as well as playing around on my computer, so I guess I thought a blog was something I should finally do! I adore writing, have a degree in Creative Writing and work at Rite Aid (find a job in creative writing NOW ha) but I love my job and think about writing all the time, so I am not going wrong really! Like everyone else I don't have a lot of money to go around, but I am paying the bills, so that's all that matters. Anyway, I figured this could be like my virtual Moleskine to use instead of writing (when my hands are cramps haha). I plan to use it for personal thoughts and ideas, possibly some poetry. I have always loved to write any kind of thing that comes to mind. Where better than a blog? Well, I guess my Moelskine, but I'll do both in all places!