Monday, August 24, 2009

In case you didn't do it yet....

Click it dammit, I'd add it to the blog, but it's already on the internet. Who kows the original purpose of blogs? If you do, you understand me not putting on here!

If you haven't clicked by now, click.

Something else odd

I showed a woman today where the DVD players were in our store, and she told me it was not a dvd player. When I picked it up and showed her it was in fact a DVD player, she looked quite embarrassed.

I would be too, and I don't embarrass easy.

"Hey Kim...

Nag nag nag"

Quote from Karen today...hilarious! Ha!

Ever get excited about doing something in the future even though you know it's crazy, then have people bombard you for it...yeah that was going on today. Thank god Karen was there to notice the annoyance. :-)

<@:-) = Clown face.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Home from work

I am smelly and I need to shower, but I like to avoid showers, not because I hate being clean. I like to be a clean person! However, I hate the time it takes to shower. Is it odd? Yes, it is very odd, but it is what it is!

Tomorrow is my Mom's birthday...I have her the best present EVER in 1986 (Karen and me...kidding: or am I? ha!). Gotta get some roses and bring her a gift! Yay!

I also need to buy cat food tomorrow. Did you know I have five cats? Yes, I am an accidental cat least I have a roommate to be one with me haha.

I have far too many books to catch up on! What will I read next?

Or should I just continue to only write for a while? Damn difficult!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

It's my birthday!

I'm not big on making a huge celebration with my birthday, but I always do enjoy sharing it with my awesome twin, Karen! We are turning the big 2-3 today, so it is off to Red Lobster later for dinner!

Crab legs! Yes!

Truck went smoothly today. I went to bed around 8:30 and got up at 2:05 am (yes I purposely set my alarm for that time), I slept well too! No nap needed! The District Manager did a nice little walk through today. I'm actually still not sure how it all went, I'll check tomorrow! But yeah, today is an exciting day indeed.

Go to the Potsdam website ( and under search type in "Treeline" you will find my name there! Click! Read! Yay!

Pictures to come? Of what? Still not sure...keep on clicking and peeking at my blog to see...or not. You have the ability to do what you want. Wonderful isn't it?

 So far the birthday flowers consist of a Red Rose from Mom and hand picked flowers from Ian :-)...Karen got a buttload...I am stealing them (kidding). It's been a great day!

And it was truck day! (Did I mention I love truck day?)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Why am I not in bed yet?

I have to wake up tomorrow around 2am to go to work and unload truck, and sometimes I get myself into bed really early for the purpose of NOT being tired in the morning, but I can't bring myself to do it! It's always a momentary tired that comes up after I've done most of the  truck for the day, and I always look much more tired than I am! Last week I feel asleep a few times in the back room, but that's the firt time that has ever happened!

And Ian just left :-( When I have to see him leave or the other way around is when the long distance thing sucks the most, but other than that it's been going quite well :-)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Retail POG Experience

My work at Rite Aid has officially improved! I used to be one of the slowest people EVER doing Planograms (POG in the retail world haha) and today I did one in what my boss said was a quick speed. She said she was impressed :) It's a very personal triumph, but a triumph nonetheless!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Listen to....

Sarah Buxton. She should have so much more attenion in country music then she does.

If the time comes where you find yourself with Health Insurance...

opt for the Flexible Spending Account (FSA). It will be one of the best decisions you ever make!


I hope you don't mind the perfect stuggle appearing from time to does in my mind every day of my life!

...And if you do mind - Ignore it!

Just so you know...

When you're buying a prepaid card you cannot pay with a check. Maybe this rule of prepaid cards seems silly, but it is the way it is. I have grown quite sick of being yelled at for it. I don't make these rules, but I have to follow them.

I understand people have bad days. We are human after all, but I wish that people would not take out their days on strangers. Anyone who has worked with people can feel me on this one. Your bad day is not my fault, and I believe that taking your bad day out of a hardworking person is not quite fair. There are plenty of healthy ways to deal with your issues, one of them NOT yelling at random cashiers or managers.

Do people feel good when they yell at people they don't know? Possibly.

But I will take this anger if it is my fault. I understand it at times when it isn't; that's all I can do. I'll always give the custoemr the best I can possibly offer!

That was one rant for the day. Saturday morning/afternoon in retail generally is inspiration for a rant; people tend to be a little more cranky in a crowd. Thank god I can come home to good food and an awesome playlist to relive the stress. More importantly, thank god I can write!

I found out my friend April is pregnant today! Congrats to her and her husband Chris!

I want to have the financial means someday to get in my car and take a a random road trip for miles. It will be simple, but gas gets pricey. I don't mind, but I believe it would be exciting! Anyone else in?

Could it be possible to ever find this so-called word perfection in real life? Is there a such thing as perfect or is what we called perfect only ever near perfect? -- If that is the case, I am quite happy with near perfect from time to time!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Is it at all possible that the only thing that is really impossible is impossibility itself?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The beach of Twin Fun Day and the dangerous things I do while I drive

I take pictures while driving...the four hour ride back from Sodus is boring, but the ride is always worth it for Ian ;). The beach at Wilcox park was, in my opinion, definitly a hidden gem. I put the sand smiley on twice because I thought it fun to draw in the sand...and every body could use a smile (or two).
I definitly would like to tell people to please go out and pick up the Blue Man Group's CD The Complex. If you cannot pick it up, look up the music to it and download it and listen to it in the car or wherever you lead yourself. Definitly amazing which some sweet "cameo's" on the songs. This group is genius. I don't care who you are, you will find yourself agreeing.
"If I sing a song will you sing along or should I just keep singing right here by myself?
If I tell you I'm strong will you play along or will you see I'm as insecure as everybody else?
If i follow along does it mean I belong or will I keep on feeling different than everybody else?" - Blue Man Group!
Seriously though, if words and music and the ability to travel the way I like to did not exist...what would I do with my life?!
Another thought...people were hoping for rain today because of the humidity. Crazy right? The second the long awaited rain begins we want it to end. Can the weather ever be "perfect"?
I put perfect in quotes because I do not believe such a thing exists, just like being "normal" or "weird." Impossible!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Wednesday 8-5-09

Twin fun day was this day. if you have a twin you should totally do one. Who cares what you do! Some pictures to be posted.

Download this.

Kris Allen's version of Kayne West's Heartless, it's pretty damn sweet.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sights to see in NH

Definitly a stong opinion of mine that you haven't experienced all of NH until you have seen these places! Granted the loss of the old man of the mountain is still tragic to New Hampshire's natives, there are still billions of the simple things that can only be found in the Granite State. I like NH because when I go back I find most things haven't changed which is great! I can't wait for my next visit.
Now where would you like to be caught metting up with something you haven't seen in years: your hometown or a somewhere completely unexpected?