Saturday, August 15, 2009

Just so you know...

When you're buying a prepaid card you cannot pay with a check. Maybe this rule of prepaid cards seems silly, but it is the way it is. I have grown quite sick of being yelled at for it. I don't make these rules, but I have to follow them.

I understand people have bad days. We are human after all, but I wish that people would not take out their days on strangers. Anyone who has worked with people can feel me on this one. Your bad day is not my fault, and I believe that taking your bad day out of a hardworking person is not quite fair. There are plenty of healthy ways to deal with your issues, one of them NOT yelling at random cashiers or managers.

Do people feel good when they yell at people they don't know? Possibly.

But I will take this anger if it is my fault. I understand it at times when it isn't; that's all I can do. I'll always give the custoemr the best I can possibly offer!

That was one rant for the day. Saturday morning/afternoon in retail generally is inspiration for a rant; people tend to be a little more cranky in a crowd. Thank god I can come home to good food and an awesome playlist to relive the stress. More importantly, thank god I can write!

I found out my friend April is pregnant today! Congrats to her and her husband Chris!

I want to have the financial means someday to get in my car and take a a random road trip for miles. It will be simple, but gas gets pricey. I don't mind, but I believe it would be exciting! Anyone else in?

Could it be possible to ever find this so-called word perfection in real life? Is there a such thing as perfect or is what we called perfect only ever near perfect? -- If that is the case, I am quite happy with near perfect from time to time!

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