Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I made some last night, and they came out weird looking. I blame the oven in my house that doesn't work quite right...but they taste fine!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I have your name on paper.

The silver pen in my right hand
writes no more ink than the letters of your name.

I click it open

then shut

then open again & point the top to the paper,
leaving nothing more than a black dot

click shut

I have too many thoughts,
too many feelings consuming me
no word does justice,

wordless - I remain
content, smiling - even sometimes laughing! -
as I simply stare at the four letters in your name.

Kimberlee LaClair, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009


I wrote one today and left my moleskine in the other inconvenient!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oh man

So first things first:

My novel is done! I am still celebrating.


I heard this awesome woman singing in Barnes and Noble...she has a Christmas CD out, and I never asked the associates there who they were playing in the store! Damn! All I know is she had an awesome version of the Grinch song on the CD and I am dying to own it...Blargh! If anyone knows it...please tell me...or please begin a search with me to find it, and then listen to this woman...she is amazing!

Anyway, that is all for now...soon life on the computer will come more often again since I have a longhand version of my novel to type! Wooo!

Friday, December 4, 2009

My novel

is coming along quite nicely! I have a wonderful feeling the completion date will be coming before I planned yay!

Then I will celebrate promptly before the editing shall begin...who's in?

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Did anyone else hear the song of the rain last night?