Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Morning person

Sometimes I sleep in until around 11, but other times I am a morning person.

I think my mind wants me to wander out of dream mode lately, so it wakes me up to think.

Why is it our own thoughts are more frightening than others?

That being said, I have changed the format of my daily thoughts for now to something a bit more strange. I look at things in a weird way so I can come up with odd ideas, and I make up scenarios about things I will never know the story to (and never need to know!). I am currently in the process of starting 3 different books. What I am reading depends on the room of the house I am in.

Does it work? Sometimes! I find my strange thoughts the most comforting thing. That, my friends, is how I attempt to cope.

1 comment:

  1. That could end up giving you the most bizarre dreams...
    Please tell me one is romance, one horror, and the third comedy...then proceed to document all the dreams you have because of it!
